This blog records some basic command lines for linux and some shortcuts for the operation.
Also, i find some interesting things or bug about my earphone.
- touch filename: just new a file
- cd: go to the home
- ctrl+a: if you are at the end of the command line, do this operation and the cursor will go to the beginning.
- ctrl + -:
- ctrl + shift + + :
- ctrl + r: find some history command lines
- ln -s text1.txt textLINK: create a link to the text1.txt file.(In essence, the link file is just a pointer to the file.)
- head filename: the beginning 10 lines
- tail filename: the end 10 lines of the text
- shutdown -h +60/ shutdown -h now: h means halt. If we want to shutdown the linux right now, just use poweroff.
- sudo apt-get htop: install some programes.
- rm -r test: remove the file recursively.
- cp filename (absolute file path)
programe in linux